Sunday, January 12, 2014

Toolbox (The Naildrivers, 1997)

In my reflections on the Hillside album by Arnold, I had mentioned that numerous bands from the late 1990's have utterly vanished. Trying to find information on these bands can be best described as "digital archaeology", executing numerous keyword searches, following leads, and making the best deductions possible.

So who were the Naildrivers? From the little bits and pieces I found on the web, the band was started in 1991 by drummer Scot Parsons and bassist Chet Harrison in Boulder, Colorado. They released three albums prior to 1997's "Toolbox" and I couldn't find names for any of them. Also along the way they shed a keyboard player and switched guitarists, adding Barefoot Geno in 1996, completing the trio. Around this time they seem to have established themselves in Delaware. In 1998, a little radio station in Maine played a bunch of stuff from the album and yours truly officially added "Toolbox" to the library as a promotional item. It doesn't appear there were any releases following "Toolbox" and it seems that the band disintegrated around 2001. R.I.P. Naildrivers.

Where are they now?
Barefoot Geno seems to have had the most success in music post-Naildrivers. Even in 1997 he was mentioned in an article as having a solo career. Sources from around 2006 indicate he was doing well as a local act in Florida. One interested tidbit is that he played in a "three man quartet" and, in addition to playing guitar, played bass with his feet. There's a lot of interesting bass lines in "Toolbox" (go no further than opening track "R-19") but I don't know if that's a factor or not.

Scot Parsons (credited as "Wyatt Parsons" on "Toolbox") stuck around the Delaware music scene, playing in a band called Trailer Park Casanovas. Their website seems to have fallen on hard times, so I'm not sure how long ago that was. His roots in Delaware seemed to be the reason a Colorado band was getting a lot of attention back east.

Chet Harrison moved to Orange County (California) and he is credited as the CEO of an app called "Nimble Chef" that helps folks at home succeed at cooking with pro tips from pro chefs (I think?). This is certainly one of the more interesting post-music careers I've stumbled on. And this has been stated by a librarian who used to be a radio DJ.

Finally, this is not the same group as Pontius Pilate & the Naildrivers, a ska band from Ireland. They are well-represented on YouTube if you are curious about them!

Here are some of the electronic breadcrumbs that helped put the story together:
Early article about the band from an Iowa newspaper in 1995:
Article from a Delaware paper when the band was about to release "Toolbox":
Update on Barefoot Geno in 2006:
Trailer Park Casanovas website, for what it's worth:
Nimble Chef responsible parties:


  1. Wow...... you did some research!!! Very cool!
    I'm barefoitgeno and if you want to ask me any q's id be more than happy to chat 239-248-8252. Btw we are playing a show in Orange County Nov 16 2017, and I might be mistaken but I am pretty sure we will be playing as a 5 piece with our former keyboard player Arron porter and guitarists/vocalist kieth Rabin.

    1. Hey thanks for the comment! I put the blog to rest at the end of 2016 (I was tired) and I clearly don't check it very much. I still have very happy memories of playing the Naildrivers on college radio back in '98 and I'm glad to hear you are still out there playing!

    2. Apparently Google is trying to use my other e-mail, so I'm "unknown" but it really is me, the author of this here blog artifact.
