Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Persistence of Time (Anthrax, 1990)

So I spent my MLK Day holiday upgrading my computer (hence the delay) and listening to more Anthrax than any other day of my life post-high school.

This was the album where Anthrax abandoned songs about John Belushi, Stephen King, and Judge Dredd for ones about the Holocaust, intolerance, and other issues the band wasn't really renowned for addressing. Although the album is neither fun nor funny, it's the one I grew up with. In fact, I was blissfully ignorant of their 1980's output until listening to the Greater of Two Evils covers album from about ten years back. That's how lame a fan I am.

How cool was speed metal in 1992? Good enough for the most notorious sitcom of the era. Check it out:

Actually by 1992 we were entering the world of "grunge", "alternative" and "whatever", so this was pretty much as good as things got for Anthrax. The anthrax mailings of 2001 didn't help the band image either. From what I've heard the last two albums are a more "back to basics" approach for a band that could never seem to hold a stable lineup. Next time I need some hard hitting speed metal, say, before a long day at the office, I think I'll need to stock up.

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