Sunday, January 19, 2014

Beruhren Meiner Affe (New Bomb Turks, 1999)

First off, the answer question #1 about this EP, it's German for "Touch My Monkey", which was all rage thanks to 1990's era Saturday Night Live.

The last few entries here have been pretty music-critic-ish, so I'll try to reign in those impulses a little bit. I first heard of the New Bomb Turks back in 1999 while working the college radio circuit. This one is related to the station that had only a minor impact on my listening tastes because the playlists tended to skew to the overtly weird. Slogging through a lot of weird music, I had to the good fortune to stumble on this EP, on vinyl no less! It's still the only thing of theirs I have in my library. However the garage-punk impulses would herald my expanded interest in the genre in later years. It's probably heavier than what a true "garage revival" band would put out, but it's a lot of fun to play from time to time.

I would later leave the aforementioned radio station to spin Top 40, where the announcing was everything and the music meant nothing. Oddly enough, I still have fond memories of both, though neither one really influenced my taste in music.

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