Monday, February 3, 2014

Definitely What! (Brian Auger & The Trinity, 1968)

Apparently the Beatles cannot be stopped, though we're going undercover this morning. This album kicks off with a Gil Evans-esque cover of the Beatles' "A Day in the Life" which is pretty weird. I'm generally of the mind that Beatles songs are best left to the Beatles. Most cover versions, even by artists I like, can sound pretty wretched (don't even get me started on the I Am Sam soundtrack...gag). I'd actually prefer to listen to the Rutles instead.

This album is all over the map. In addition to Gil Evans style orchestration, there are some David Axelrod sounding parts and the title track tips the hat to the likes of Roland Kirk in full experimentation mode.

I can't say I'm much of an Auger fan, but I probably didn't start in the right place. In fact, I'm listening to his 70's output (the "Oblivion Express" era) and it's some pretty slamming stuff.

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