Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Clifford Brown & Max Roach (1955)

The drive to work this morning was made all the better by the classic bop of Brown, Roach and their quintet. In fact, once at work, I delved right into their other album, Study In Brown, then meandered into some early and late Miles Davis and wrapped up with some Wayne Shorter and Freddie Hubbard. It was definitely a jazz type of day. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Max Roach, one of Ginger Baker's favorite drummers (Art Blakey and Elvin Jones being the others) enjoyed a very long career, and, unlike many jazz drummers, frequently served as combo leader. Clifford Brown, however, is a total jazz tragedy, dying in a 1956 car crash along with pianist Richie Powell. Between drugs, murder, and car crashes, I shudder to think what the average lifespan of a jazz musician was, especially back in the heyday of bop. Oddly enough, Harold Land is a well-known name is prog rock circles, thanks to being the title of one of the track off the first Yes album!

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