Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cosmic Slop (Funkadelic, 1973)

The world probably doesn't need my total-outsider take on the world of P-Funk, so just a few fun facts:

(1) I picked up a few Funkadelic albums from doing a fair amount a CD swapping with a co-worker a few years ago. Thanks to him I have stuff like this and the Groundhogs (see a couple days ago) in my music library.
(2) Amazingly there is no song over 10 minutes on this album.
(3) Most of the lyrical content and euphemisms went completely over my head. Generally I'm just a music listener and I love the music and was wondering "why didn't these guys get the same kind of respect as Led Zeppelin and all those other 70's bands??" And then it comes back around to the lyrics and I think it was just too much for contemporary (read: predominantly white) audiences and the effect of that has continued to isolate Funkadelic from more mainstream bands even today for no good reason. They were way ahead of their time. I was listening to "March to the Witch's Castle" and thinking it would have made a good heavy metal song.

So the third point got kind of wordy, but there you have it. Late night observations on the funk.

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