Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Swing Is Hell (Demonspeed, 1997)

In the late 1990's, classic metal was beginning to regain its popularity, and for some reason a number of punk bands were releasing full-on swing songs. Yet only one band, composed of various members of the New York hardcore scene, had the notion that the two movements could be combined. Thanks to their bold experimentation, we have Swing Is Hell, the EP that heralded the release of full album Kill, Kill, Kill.

I first encountered this disc back in college at the radio station. I liked it enough to mail away for a copy of my very own from the long-gone Black Pumpkin Records. Songs like "Pogo" and "Green River" stood out immediately and the others didn't take long to warm up to.

Unfortunately, like the swing craze of the late 1990's, Demonspeed called it quits after their single album. In fact, in seems like the album didn't even see daylight until 2003, well after the novelty had faded (the same source also gives two different track lists for this EP, so who knows). I know the bassist Sal Villanueva would go on to work as a producer for a handful of much better known bands, but the others are a mystery. Nevertheless, this is always fun to listen to and I hope someday to track down the elusive full album!

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