Tuesday, March 25, 2014

An Overdose of Heavy Psych (Various Artists, 1997)

Another Dose of psych! We've been through Hard and Wylde, so why the heck not explore Heavy? I believe this was the second of the four volumes, released in tandem with the yet-to-appear-here A Heavy Dose of Lyte Psych. The fuzz is cranked and applied to just about every instrument except the drums (which I'm sure they would have fuzzed if they knew how!). For some reason this comp was the hardest of the four for me to track down, but I had a friend score this from Amoeba in Hollywood, where it was readily available.

As I seem to love doing with these compilations, here's what I was able to figure out about the artists included here. Two of them are pretty much wild guesses. Unlike the Wylde compilation, which seemed to draw mostly A-sides, this collection favors the B-sides strongly. A major reason for this is many of the bands, in valiant attempts to hit the big time, elected to cover a major song (e.g. Rolling Stones) and put it on the A-side. The last six tracks, variously credited to the "Firebirds" or "31 Flavors" are quite different in nature, more proto-doom metal than psych, performed by anonymous session musicians.

The Orange Wedge - Baltimore, MD - "From the Womb to the Tomb" (1968) - L.S.P. *B side
The Quiet Jungle - Toronto, Canada - "Everything" (1967) - Mark/Taylor *B side
Twentieth Century Zoo - Phoenix, AZ - "You Don't Remember" (1967) - Farley/Sutko *B side
The Fumin' Humins - Massachusetts - "Relative Distance" (1967) - Cardoza *B side
Powered By Love - Victorville, CA - "Powered By Love" (1967) - Guy
Crystal Rain - Wisconsin - "You and Me" (1969) - Moan
ESB - Hollywood, CA - "Mushroom People" (1967) - Burke/Caldwell/Fortunato/Lagana/Zinner *B side
The Colder Children - Long Island, NY - "Memories" (1968) - Felton *B side
The Kollection - Miami, FL - "Savage Lost" (1967) - Chimelis/Rissoff
Kindred Spirit - Pennsylvania - "Blue Avenue" (1969) - Ulaky *B side
Blu-Erebus - North Carolina - "Plastic Year" (1968) - Deatherage/Evans *B side
The Shadows of Time - Boston, MA - "Search Your Soul" (1969) - Chase
Graf Zepplin - Illinois - "You're In My Mind" (1968) - Blumenthal
Kiriae Crucible - Wisconsin - "Salem Witch Trial" (1968) - Edland/Erickson
The Boston Tea Party -Burbank, CA - "My Daze" (1967) - Miko/Rich/Travis
Paraphernalia - New York? - "Watch Out" (1968) - Serio/Zannini *B side
I.R.A. - Los Angeles? - "Dooley Vs. the Ferris Wheel" (1968) - Clifford
The Loose Enz - Pennsylvania - "Easy Rider" (1968) - Barshinger *B side
Glass Sun - Michigan - "Silence of the Morning" (1971) - Roll *B side
The Firebirds - Los Angeles, CA - "Reflections" "No Tomorrows" "Gypsy Fire" "Free Bass/Fuzz/Drums" (1969) - *album tracks

Thanks to Garage Hangover, Flower Bomb Songs, Rockesteria and 45Cat for the data.

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