Saturday, March 15, 2014

AC/DC Live (1992)

As long as we have parties and beer, we will have AC/DC. In the range of metal topics, from "we are all going to die" and "party all night", they thorough reside in the latter category. Statistically the band is an outlier, hailing from Australia (mostly) and throughout its existence wandering somewhere between metal and rock. They also managed to become even more popular following the sudden death of their frontman Bon Scott, an event that would drive most bands to throw in the towel or flounder at best.

Live is pretty far along in the band history, with most anything that mattered involving AC/DC falling into the 1975-1985 window, a number of years after this recording. Nevertheless, the band was still (and still is) drawing enormous crowds. Personally, I lost interest in the band after Back In Black, but as previously mentioned, I cannot resist free stuff, hence this CD enjoys an awkward place alongside the Bon Scott era albums.

I think my main hang up with the band is that Brian Johnson just isn't Bon Scott. You can tell on this recording because he does his own material so much better. Whereas Scott was clever and brash at the same time, Johnson is just brash. Drummer Chris Slade also applies a generic treatment to the older songs. "Dirty Deeds" just sounds a little off with a 1980's beat instead of the distinctly different 1970's style by Phil Rudd.

Of course AC/DC is going strong today, with Angus Young still rocking the schoolboy outfit and pushing 60 years old. However they've done about as much good stuff in the last 30+ years as they bashed out in their first five, and that has to make anyone stop and think.

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