Friday, December 26, 2014

You Could Have It So Much Better (Franz Ferdinand, 2005)


The Randomness better end its love affair with Franz Ferdinand soon or there isn't going to be anything left to love. Well, the year's a week from over, so if we're going to finish the quartet it better happen pretty soon.

Franz Ferdinand's debut album was so sensational that, in hindsight, it seems only natural that the sophomore slump would hit with the next one. At the time, however, it was hotly anticipated and timed very well, released just a year later. Unfortunately, the album, with a strangely apt title, left the listener a little cold. The music was good, but clearly recycled from what worked on the first album. The lyrics are pretty awful, and at times it just seemed too phoned-in to be serious. There are a few "slow" songs on this album, something the band didn't attempt previously, and it kind of shows why they avoided them in the first place.

The band clearly got the message that they were not going to get away with this approach again and took a little time off to retool their style. While the third album wouldn't put them back to the heights of their debut (and truth to tell, the band is still subject to some "whatever happened to...?" chatter), it definitely shook off some of the shortcomings of this album.

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