Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Moving on to 2015

And here ends the project. While I failed to read 52 books this year, I nearly killed myself to write at least something each day about a different album in my possession. I now close the book on that project and leave it as a digital scrapbook to be preserved somewhere in Google world headquarters until the next electromagnetic pulse. If you are visiting from a future year (and about 13 hours from now that will be a fact), please enjoy a big slice of random music and book reviews.

I'm not going away, but I've come to realize, especially in the past month, that this blog thing can consume your life if you aren't careful. However I like to put down my thoughts from time to time, so I'm going to scale back the music to weekly and continue the books as I finish them. I've still got plenty of thoughts on plenty of things around me.

To anyone reading this, have a wonderful 2015 and thanks for stopping by.

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