Thursday, July 3, 2014

Teaser (Tommy Bolin, 1975)

For a long time this album was impossible to find, probably tied up in legal limbo. Thankfully it is now readily available, though in a somewhat over-bloated "ultimate" edition that triples the running time. Since I acquired this through "alternative" means about five years ago, all I have is the original album which for now is satisfying enough that I'm not losing any sleep over not having the outtakes.

Teaser is the first of only two proper solo albums by Tommy Bolin. Whereas the other, Private Eyes, is credited to the "Tommy Bolin Band" and sports a consistent lineup and sound, this one is all over the map, with different personnel (not all credited in the liner notes*) and styles on each track. About half of the songs were previously workshopped elsewhere, either by Tommy's rock/fusion project, Energy, or in live "Tommy Bolin and Friends" shows. This is also one of the last recordings to feature substantial jazz personnel on a number of the tracks (Jan Hammer, David Sanborn), as Tommy was moving steadily away from the fusion scene by the mid-1970's, evidenced by his move from supporting various jazz artists to more established rock bands.

* - Glenn Hughes completists should take note that he sings the final verse of "Dreamer", a song with a long history through the band Energy. Since this album was virtually overshadowed by the near-simultaneous release of Come Taste the Band, Glenn goes uncredited here, yet another disservice to what should have been a much more successful album financially.

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