Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tchaikovsky: Symphonies Nos. 1-3 (London Symphony Orchestra/Igor Markevitch, 1995)

Apparently the first three symphonies couldn't stand seeing the second three appear in this blog, so without further ado here they are. In my early classical discernment, I sought a copy of Symphony #6 (Pathetique) and intended to focus just on that one. I found and obtained the Mariss Jansons recording, then a relative dropped all six on me. While it's nice to have them all, I am trying to focus on one piece of music at a time!

My usual forum for these albums in my morning drive. I hate to admit it, but most of my music listening is not devoted to listening to the music itself. I'm usually doing something else: working, driving, reading, cleaning, etc. Let me say that this disc (and just about every classical disc to grace this blog) is not good driving music. Maybe my car is too low-tech, but the soft bits get squashed by the sound of my tires on the road, plus assorted engine sounds. Since there's a lot of music here, I've taken it to work as well. Now I can here the soft nuances better, except that my focus is far more positioned toward doing work!

Perhaps as I do with reading, I just need to block out some time to just listen. Ah, but when?!

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