Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bach: Brandenburg Concertos 1-3 (Berlin Chamber Orchestra/Peter Wohlert, 1990)

The Baroque is back...er...Bach? Take it as pun or don't, because for many (most?) Bach is the quintessential composer of the Baroque period, with apologies to Handel. I'm fresh off reading my classical music primer (post on the way), so it was interesting to listen with some history under my belt.

I need to be careful what I ask for. Since my classical music appreciation is still developing, I am trying to focus on a small number of better known pieces before scattering in all directions. When I mentioned to a relative that I was seeking a recording of Brandenburg 2 and 3 (probably the most easily recognizable of the six), I was suddenly gifted all six concertos, plus, included on this disc, the Harpsichord Concerto for good measure. So I've got plenty of Bach to enjoy in the short term.

Oddly enough, I used the opening of Concerto 2 as the "evening news theme" for a play I stage managed (and ad hoc sound designed) in college. It just sounded right. Of course, now every time I hear it I think it's time for the news to begin!

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