Monday, June 9, 2014

The In Crowd (Ramsey Lewis Trio, 1965)

Ramsey Lewis has always been somewhat of a jazz outsider, usually playing toward the more popular tendencies of the genre. The In Crowd, the title track especially, adored particularly by crossover fans, remains his most recognizable and popular work. In fact he pretty much stomped the original Dobie Gray version, which had only seen daylight itself earlier that year.

I don't know a whole lot more than this. This is actually one of the few jazz discs I picked up that had no mention in the "top 100" list I was working off of. I just liked the title track a lot. The rest of the tracks don't quite have the same spark, but it's fun piano trio music nonetheless.

For some reason I thought this was a "fake live" album, but it seems to be more sincere than some others!

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