Monday, June 23, 2014

Leftism (Leftfield, 1995)

Your iPod never forgets, assuming it has 160 GB of storage. I went through a brief but intense interest in electronica (the term I'm using to cover the vast array of other terms also used). Back at the first bookstore I worked at, a co-worker furnished me with some of his favorite albums to start my education. Since this was well before the whole "I can just rip it" days, I didn't have the patience or time to make a copy, so I gave them a few listens at home and in my car and then returned them.

A few years later I was on the dating scene and met somebody that was really into the genre. Not wanted to appear like an idiot, I immediately sunk what little funds I had into actually buying the music so that we'd have some kind of reference point for our blossoming relationship. Well, after a few dates, that relationship was completely DOA (she cheated, then tried to make amends, concluding with our final date happening the same week and a much more interesting date with the woman whom I would ultimately marry). However, Leftfield and its ilk lived on to this day.

So what can I say about Leftfield? Eh, not much other than what you can read about on Wikipedia. It's hard to believe this album is nearly 20 years old. I mean, think about what 20-year-old music was in 1995. Anyway, one interesting thing I learned through the years was that the "foreign language" on the track "Afro-Left" was all made up. One other Leftfield track sneaked into my library, a track from their second album called "Afrika Shox" which was included on the Vanilla Sky soundtrack.

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