Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Waltz For Debby (Bill Evans Trio, 1961)

Well, I'll be, if it isn't Bill Evans again. While this isn't exactly audio caffeine, it did make me feel exceptionally forgiving to the jerkwad in the Mercedes cruising about one inch off my bumper, incensed that I had the gall to slow down for a bike that had nowhere else to go... that, all gone in the pleasant swirl of the consummate piano trio.

Generally this recording is a little more highly rated than the other album that spawned from this session, Sunday at the Village Vanguard. Although you certainly won't miss him here, bassist Scott LaFaro is more restrained here; he and Bill Evans are more tightly interwoven here than on the other set, which lets LaFaro cut loose a bit more. However, some of the standards presented here weren't designed expressly for a piano trio, necessitating more-than-average lead work required by the bass. They pull it off here in admirable fashion.

Well, Evans set the mood for today. I've got plenty of piano trio music to explore as I work through the day, though I'm probably spoiling myself rotten by listening to the best first.

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