Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Dead and the Gone (Susan Beth Pfeffer, 2008)

The problem with reading in series (and it seems like everything freakin' book suddenly morphs into a trilogy or worse) is that you end up reading sub-standard books just for the sake of finding out what happens. Admittedly, I've done worse than troop on from Life As We Knew It to this book, but the second time around was pretty disappointing. First of all, this was not a sequel, but more of a "companion" book, taking place concurrently to its predecessor. Also it seems a little factually weird. I mean, who am I to say what would actually happen if the moon got closer to the Earth and messed everything up, but everything seemed a little off. The ancient Catholic priest seemed like a walking cliche, but for some reason did weird things like go to birthday parties.

Since I'm a total completionista, I will continue to the next one. These books read pretty fast, if nothing else. There's even a fourth one, but the reviews have been pretty harsh. At least we'll finally get some forward momentum in the chronology and not have to live the initial disaster over yet again.

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