Wednesday, May 14, 2014

De Stijl (The White Stripes, 2000)

I've already talked myself silly about the White Stripes, so not a whole lot more to add. I've noticed their even numbered albums tend to be a cut above their odd numbered albums, which would certainly make this one of the good ones. I unintentionally avoided the first two albums for some time, but have since made amends and my studio album collection is finally complete, at least until some kind of reunion takes place.

As for De Stijl itself, it's a slicker production that their self-titled debut, but hasn't yet overreached into the extra instrumentation that would characterize their later releases. Going back to my even/odd theory, it's a spiritual predecessor of sorts to my personal favorite, Elephant

Looks like the second Jack White solo album is due out next month. Pretty exciting!

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