Thursday, May 1, 2014

Canned Heat Cookbook (1970)

This is a greatest hits compilation, the first of many by Canned Heat. Obviously it stops at 1970 because the future hadn't been written yet. It is always interesting when a band kicks out a greatest hits package while still in progress. This is definitely not a "let's look back through the years" type of compilation.

Canned Heat has had over forty members pass through its ranks, just about as many different lineups, and been around for nearly fifty years. It is also one of the precious few bands to exist with no founding members. While it is easy to be daunted by the numbers, this collection pretty much wraps up the period that anyone except the most diehard fans should have any concern about.

This is all I've got and I'm pretty happy to stay where I'm at. It was a nice find while digging through the stacks down at the library a few months ago.

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