Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Born to Run (Christopher McDougall, 2009)

I generally have a methodical approach to what I read, so most of what gets posted here I've been eyeing for quite some time. This book, however, was a spontaneous addition.

I've never really thought of sports writing as all that interesting a topic (except the ones about the dark side of the NFL). It makes a big difference when you are actually doing something in that sport. While I have no intentions (probably ever, but never say never) of running anything longer than a marathon, this book was a real inspiration. I'm glad I read it.

Of course as I've tried to discuss it with some of the other folks I run with, it appears I was the last person on the planet to hear about this book. It is interesting though to hear the reactions to some of the statements made in the book, particularly with regard to nutrition and shoes.

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