Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The More Things Change (Cola Moon, 1999)

(cover art to come!)

It's downright rare for one band with the dreaded (or coveted?) "lost bands" tag to have two posts, but Cola Moon has achieved the honor! To get the story up to this point, check out this older post about their debut EP Welcome to the Paradox. This is the second EP and together you can safely consider them to be the band's sole complete, albeit short, album.

Each of the three songs here are somewhat more complex than the four from the previous EP. Each song has quiet and rocking sections and overall there is an added complexity in arrangements and instrumentation. The opener and title track is probably the most straightforward, but just to show that nothing is completely simple, the verses have a ska feel to them. The second track, "Photographs" is a quieter number, but not entirely so. Probably the best of the three is "Last Dollar", which also seems to be a quieter song, but actually delivers some of the most intense moments of the entire set, complete with a flute accompaniment that I'm sure would make Ian Anderson proud.

Now, as the tag indicates, this is a "lost band" - you won't turn up a whole heck of a lot if you google them. Usually a warning sign is if this blog post shows up in your top ten search results! As with many young bands, life intervenes and the rock and roll life was not to be the destiny of Cola Moon. As friends have told me, it's an all or nothing game and those who desire it have to give 100% and risk a lifetime working at McDonald's if they can't hack it. For the rest of us (which is almost everybody) plan B soon becomes plan A, and while not (overtly) glamorous is probably a far less treacherous way of living. I have no idea what became of these fine lads (who, I will repeat, are in the 30's now), but I hope from time to time they break out one of their old EP's and think of the good old days.

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