Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Thread Across the Ocean (John Steele Gordon, 2002)

Easter weekend was a good time to get caught up on my reading, if not my blogging. This is a book I have always wanted to read since stumbling on a stray review of the book in the Los Angeles Times back in 2002. It's amazing what you'll find at the bottom of the sea, and story of how it got there in the first place is nothing short of fascinating. Since the book transcends history and science, I couldn't really justify lumping it into my US history reading, so it falls in the awkwardly-titled yet broad-scoped "Nonfiction-Other" category. I'm looking forward to some of the later entries in this category, which include titles like The Psychopath Test, Smogtown and Of Dice and Men. Topics range from sports to statistics. It's a veritable grab bag, folks!

I've taken a mini-vacation from fiction, and it's time to fix that. Up next...The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

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