Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Process of Belief (Bad Religion, 2002)

We started the year with Rock Aid Armenia and we end with Bad Religion. If that's not random, then I have no idea what is.

I'd probably be better off letting my wife guest-blog this one since she was into Bad Religion back in high school and I think had every album of theirs up through Stranger Than Fiction when I met her. My Bad Religion experience is not nearly as sentimental, stumbling upon them when one of their singles from The Gray Race was accidentally filed under "metal" at the radio station, got some unexpected airplay, and it turned out I liked their sing-songy style. It probably wasn't the best time to get into them as the "true" fans were annoyed that they had ditched their home label Epitaph and were estranged from one of their founders.

A few years later I saw this album in a freebie bin and work and figured what the heck. Well, it turns out this is the album where everybody got back together, buried the hatchet and moved on. It sounds just like Bad Religion from before, and that's a good sound, so there's no harm in that. However, I really haven't seen or heard of any progression in the band, even something like four albums later. But then again, I haven't been listening aside from what squeaks on to the radio. Aside from the recent departure of Greg Hetson, the band has had a stable lineup and regular recording history since this album, something I'm sure a lot of other bands would envy a great deal.

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