Thursday, January 7, 2016

Christianity and Paganism, 350-750: The Conversion of Western Europe (J. N. Hillgarth, 1985)

This one is a bit different than the others since I read it for a class, but since I read the whole thing, by gum, I'm counting it!

This is a collection of various documents (laws, histories, letters, etc.) with ample annotation from Dr. Hillgarth. I probably would not have picked it out on my own, but with guidance it provides excellent insight into the spread of Christianity in the late Roman and early Medieval periods. This is a later edition of the original book, which used this edition's subtitle as its main title.

For the course, I focused on some of the excerpts from the Theodosian Code. I re-arranged Hillgarth's presentation chronologically and analyzed the changing areas of interest and increasing intolerance of non-Christians in the post-Constantine Roman Empire. Of the three papers I wrote for the course, this one probably came to me the easiest, channeling both majors for the first time in a good long while.

Taking a course in church history? Check this out!

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