Friday, August 14, 2015

Redshirts (John Scalzi, 2012)

I don't want to write too much here out of concern I might give something away. All I'm going to say, skirting the shoals of spoilers, is that the synopses on Goodreads and the book jacket are deliberately vague and I'm sure most people go into this thinking it's a thinly disguised Star Trek comedy novel. I know I did.

Scalzi has the trope dead to rights. For those not aware, the "redshirt" effect is a Star Trek plot device where a group of series regulars plus 1-3 extras in red uniforms go on a mission and the regulars return safely (thereby surviving to participate in future episodes), while the extras are phaser fodder, killed and never discussed ever again. You would think these ensigns/crewmen would start realizing that away missions were hazardous for their health....and so Scalzi goes there.

This book was a really fast read (it only seems like I've been at it for awhile because I've been bad about posting in a timely manner, plus another book kept getting in the way). It's funny and entertaining, and I even dare to say you don't need to be a fan of Star Trek to appreciate the humor, since the characters are also trying to wrap their brains around what is happening to them. At times the meta-humor gets so crazy that the logic of it all is threatened (and what would Spock...I mean...Q'eeng have to say about that?!), but overall it's just a minor issue.

I'm embarrassed to say that I think this book has been on my to-read list since its publication, which means I need to step up the SF reading. Look for more in future posts!

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