Sunday, November 30, 2014

Adultered: The Remix Project (Don Tiki, 2004)

Egad, I'm so far behind thanks to Turkey Day, but I've made it to last month of the year, and I'll be damned if I'm going to fall down so close to the finish line!

Thankfully (for me), I don't have a whole heck of a lot to say about this album, retrieved from the freebie bin at work around ten years ago. Generally I'm remix-averse when it comes to source material I'm familiar with, but genres like death metal (Fear Factory), exotica (Don Tiki), and norteno (Nortec Collective)? Well, let the drum loops begin!

Adulterated works from the source material of the first two albums. The tracks generally flow from one into another, so the album is more of an overall listening experience. The group (who's membership can best be described as fuzzy and free-flowing) released one more album five years later, but it seems like their focus was more on live shows in Hawaii. In fact, Hawaii would prove fatal to one of them, Fritz Hasenpusch, who attempted to climb a very aggressive (and off-limits!) hiking trail on Oahu in 2012.

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