Sunday, October 19, 2014

Debussy, Ravel, Saint-Saëns (Pascal & Ami Rogé, 2013)

The Modernists ruled the roost this weekend and the pianos were in full effect. Like any good piano bar, two is better than one, and that's the feature of this album. This primarily came into my grasp because I was looking for a couple Debussy compositions ("La Mer" and "Prélude À L’après-midi D’un Faune") and the others came along for the ride. In fact, about half of this is Ravel and Saint-Saën's only contribution in the closing scherzo.

The main thing I learned from all of this is twofold: (1) it is best not listened to while driving (all subtleties are lost), and (2) I need to spend more time with the Modern composers. I still feel like I'm missing something somewhere when it comes to these composers. Also unlike a lot of the classical stuff I've been listening to, this isn't orchestral. I must be hooked on orchestras.

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